My Tuesday & Wednesday post are scheduled to post each week lol, so here is a REAL update lol
As promised, a video. Hope it helps, makes sense and doesn't sound like a bunch of rambling lol. Any questions just ask :)
How I balance my life, Adrienne's Essentials and Stitched9
I need to file these under Soul Food, My Walk with God because that's exactly what this is. I kinda like doing these. Let's see how long I can keep it up lol.
Please excuse the muffle sound in the beginning. I think my hand was over the microphone. Oops.
Excuse my rambling lol
Here is a link to the blog I was talking about ...
I've been shopping a LOT lately, here is a haul video. Expect another one soon lol.
I've been blogging since 2006/2007. This is THE longest post I've ever put up. Grab a cup of coffee/tea and have a good time lol
Mannn LISTEN let me tell y'all about the AMAZING time we had in New York this past week/weekend.
I was in New York this past April and I had a great time!
This trip was equally as awesome! I actually got to see NY and experience it and shop and eat and just yeah lol. Loved it.
Here's a video. It's 17 minutes of stuff so have a looksie and laugh lol
I will have to do a totally different post on all the fabric I purchased. Together we had 150 POUNDS of fabric. INSANE right!?
I lost my mind in there lol. I seriously want to go back before the year is out. We will see ;)
Ok, now for a TON of pictures lol
Watching House of Cards while I wait on my plane. Man this show is AWESOME.
When we were diverted to Baltimore we were waiting on ONE person to get back on the plane. We all clapped like crazy when they showed up lol
All of these were pictures taken at Simplicity. LOVED GOING THERE!!! AWESOME!
That was SO much fun and SO insane lol
Kenneth King This man is AMAZING. Being in his home/studio space was just...I have NO words for how awesome this was.
This coat is made out of WEAVE yall. WEAVE!!!
This one is weave and clown hair. I mean come on!!!
His craftsmanship is just amazing. I mean AMAZING. A couple items had NO SEAMS. NO SEAMS. REALLY!? He basically created his fabric. Just awesome.
And his jeans were see thru...I'm just saying. Hes FAB.
That coat was SO heavy!!!!
AWESOME!!! It was so great meeting you Kenneth!
Ya'll tell Toy hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
150 POUNDS of fabric y'all lol. SMH
We were walking to dinner and I was like uhhh Mimi is that water!? lol. We walked all the way to the HUDSON lol.
Our food was so good and the service so outstanding we took a picture with the manager. I mean we PRAISED him lol. EXCELLENT.
We had breakfast at Delectica on Madison.
We ran into a race of some sort on the way to Mj Trims lol
This bead shop was FULL of stuff. Just wow
Mj Trim was OVERWHELMING. I've never seen so many buttons in all my life lol. I LOVED it lol
Man. Listen. HUGE shoutout to Singlema for letting me know about this place. THE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY CUPCAKE WAS MY FAVORITE!!!!!
B & J Fabrics is amazing. We were walking somewhere and the fabric on the wall behind me caught our attention from across the street so we went over. Just GORGEOUS FABRICS THERE. AMAZING lol
Zippers. That's all I have to say about that lol
Everything about SOHO is great. ESPECIALLY the food lol
As you can tell this was the best pizza ever. SO GOOD.
These were SO GOOD. *deep sigh* If y'all see me making crepes in the next few weeks you know why.
We had to have atleast ONE glam night lol.
See ya next time New York!!! Had a marvelous time Mimi Can't WAIT to do it again soon lol
If y'all made it through this post,bless you...if not you just MISSED OUT lol
Thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for all the birthday wishes for my boo! He had a great bday! WOOHOO
Can y'all believe it is JULY!? WOW
A whole bunch of rambling in my truck lol
Time for another video!
I ALMOST didn't even upload this because I made a mistake and deleted where I unboxed my machine. I STILL don't know what I did or how I did it but OH WELL.
There are no do overs lol
I explained in the deleted part that my dad bought me a sewing machine for Mother's Day...
Ok, now go watch the video lol
TOTALLY Random...on the road lol
I'll try not to type too many words lol. Just look at the pretty pictures lol
Pics with family:
The stage was gorgeous this year:
She got 2nd place! Woohoo. She was so tired of taking pictures by this point lol
Here is her video lol. I was trying to watch her AND record so forgive me for the oops lol and the screaming lol
Time for another video!!!
I'm REALLY loving these lol.
I've become addicted to you.tu.-be it's insane.
I found a tag that is like a couple months old but I'm still going to do it so look for that soon lol.
Annnddd here's another one lol
Have a great day! Toodles!
I do DECLARE lol. I did a video. It has been WELL over a year lol. This is all thanks to Toy who hates to read lol. Nah just kidding lol. I told her forever ago that I was going to do it. Making good on my word and uhh yeah. SO easy using my Ipad lol.
Alright there ya have it! LOL
Ok, that's it for me. I'd love help finding a pattern for that yarn. Tomato was suggested. I'm still looking. I'm a tight TIGHT knitter sooooo lol
Alright, y'all have a good night!
WOOHOO! LOL I did a video lol
So y'all enjoy lol Oh, I hope yall love my little song lol. I LOVE Dj Khaled this song is SO hot to me and I'm stuck on it lol.
Ok, y'all have a good one! LOL
Mannnnnnn it's been a while lol. So now you have a new video :)
OHHHH... and if you don't mind..SCRAPPERS, what are your favorite challenge/sketch blogs?! I have seriously GOT to get back to scrapping!!
IPHONE/IPOD touch users...what is your favorite app?
I know it's been a while lol
I got kinda choked up talking about Patrick so I had to stop it lol.
Y'all have a great weekend and stay safe!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who celebrates!!!
I am doing my weekend wrap up early lol. I have an insanely busy week this week
Here is a video of my mom and I....SO SILLY! lol
While we were at the fabric store I ran into Lisa!!!!!
I kept looking at her, like, dang, I KNOW I know you from somewhere....then I said, are you on pattern review?!!? LOL then it clicked! She was really fun to run into!! I know I will see you again in July! LOL
My mom played in "The Crown" LOL
And one of my mother and I together...
This was our second set of bags lol. This store does NOT have shopping carts like hancock. You take your bolt to the table and start a pile...well...see...our pile was seriously like half the table lol. The second go round, it wasn't that bad lol.
Here is one just for Carla:
My mom actually has this same machine, she is having it cleaned up and serviced so she can put it in her new sewing studio which is a WHOLE different post. lol
When I got home, I immediately washed and pressed my fabric lol. Then I sat down to take a nap, no dice. I don't actually know what happened after that but I know I didn't go to sleep lol.
My brother came by to keep the kiddos so Tony and I could go to a 30th bday party for one of our friends. TOO MUCH FUN! A few pics:
Me and the B'day girl...yep...she is a shawty! LOL
No bday is complete without shots lol. I don't like being drunk (BAD EXPERIENCE) so I only had a couple. Good thing too because I ended up driving the bday girl home lol. She on the other hand was DONE! lol
They shole was tasty lol.
We didn't get home until it was PAST O'Dark Thirty. I am still tired lol.
Ok, that's it...gotta flat iron Jaelyn's hair....ugh lol. I'll get caught up on my email tomorrow...or maybe tonight lol
I didn't realize it had been so long since I've done a video! LOL
Here is a pic of the YUMMY Lemon Bars OMG. These are SO GOOD!!!
I should have let them cool a bit more, but I was trying to get the pic before the sun went down! LOL I WILL be having one of these for breakfast in the morning! LOL
Here is the line drawing for the BWOF dress. I finished it last night. SO easy! OMG I did almost the entire dress on my serger. I did omit the sleeves. I love sleeveless tops and dresses. I will take a pic in it and post it sometime today.
I was sitting down thinking and ya know....I'm blessed. I'm happy. I'm loving my life.
I have great, healthy kids (except on the days I want to strangle them lol)
I have a husband who loves me and treats me like his Queen (except on the days he wants to strangle me lol)
We were able to maintain the lifestyle I was accustomed to when I came home from work.
My husband supported me in that decision 150%
I'm only 30 and I have been through more crap that you all could EVER imagine. I mean not in your WILDEST dreams could you even imagine lol.
I have a wonderful set of very close friends.
I've met some wonderful ladies online, and I keep a couple of their numbers on speed dial so I can call them while I shop at hancock when I'm supposed to be "stressed" lol and while I'm riding around with my dad ;-) or talk to them while I'm bra shopping LMAO! LOL
I can PROUDLY say I'm a cancer survivor. I share my story with other women so that it might help them too. It's not something that I hide from.
I'm just thankful today.
That's all.
And excuse the hair. I went running today and this was the best it was getting. I took my hat off when I got in Panera! LOL, I had my hat all pulled down over my eyes and that just wouldn't do well when trying to talk to someone! LOL
I need some suggestions for a nice little romantic getaway...early/middle February.... NO more than 4-5 hours drive time OR 3 to 4 hours flight time....that I can enjoy from Friday until Sunday. NO KIDS ;-) (GOOD fabric,scrapbook,or yarn shopping, would be nice, but NOT required lol) I have a couple things in mind already BUT I'm open to suggestions! :-)
And that is all I have for today! Tomorrow? Some new LO's! YAY! LOL
Have a great day guys!!!
OH and just in case you didn't know...CHERYL is my next door neighbor! LOL
I'm just having FUN!!! LOL Check out Fashionista Fabrics here is a pic of my fabric.
This stuff is GORGEOUS!!!
Here are some pics of the kids made....They did it ALL BY THEMSELVES.
They watched me while I ate it lol. It fell all apart! LOL. But it is good. They did a good job. lol THanks to Jaelyn my little photographer in training for some good pics! LOL
Ok ya'll have a good day!!!
Need a quick laugh? Then watch this funny video lol....about 5 minutes long! LOL
**Crap, lol I made a mistake and hit publish instead of draft and it was already in google reader, so I will just leave it lol**
Hello all and welcome to my world! LOL, special thanks to Jared aka B R O O K L Y N T W E E D for a fantastic interview!!
Cute knits for gifts...(maybe lol)
Cabled Cashmere Scarf with Beads
How long have you been knitting?
Who taught you to knit?
How does it feel being such a popular male knitter?
Do you normally knit alone or in groups?
Do you knit with any other male knitters?
of your work is AWESOME. If you had to pick THREE all time favorite
knitted items, what would you pick and why?
Your photography ROCKS, what kind of equipment do you use?
Do you have any tips for other knitters who would like to take better photos of their work?
am new to knitting and I'm not sure how many times you have had your
work published. Can you share with us how many projects and what
magazines you have been published in?
What is your all time hands down favorite yarn to work with?
Your color choices are wonderful. How do you go about picking which color you will use for a particular project?
Are you working on any of your own designs right now?
How did you develop your skills for designing patterns and re-interpreting other designs to fit your style?
What knitting needles do you find yourself working with often?
Which type of needle do you like better.... bamboo, plastic or metal. Why?
How much time do you spend a week knitting?
Other than knitting, do you have any other hobbies?
Today's video! LOL (This is going to be a LONG post....I tried not to lol)
Things mentioned in the video:
The New Vogue Patterns are up! YAY
My completed items:
Simplicity 3631 Review on PR (I look arms are just bent...the back view looks better lol)
Simplicity 3796 (The Pants) Review on Pr
Some details...
I pressed the hell out of my pleats...PRESS AS YOU GO!! Right Ann??? LOL
Hand stitched proud of this lol. Looks SO much better than machine stitched.
Fabric from Fashionista Fabrics
I did a blind hem on this, because it looks better on knits....IMHO....
Interview with Tany
How long have you been
I’ve been seriously sewing since I was twelve (I mean using a
sewing machine to sew) but I remember sewing by hand long before that (making
clothes to my dolls); when I was twelve I learned how to thread a sewing machine
and that was the turning point towards making my own clothes.
What made you want to learn to sew?
I remember my parents not letting me choose my own clothes when going
shopping; most of the clothes they bought were too big (the excuse was that I was
growing up and they wanted the clothes to last longer). I also remember inheriting
my aunt’s old clothes (which I hated at the time) so I felt the urge to alter
these clothes so they fitted better and were more like the clothes my school colleagues
were wearing at the time. Building up to make my own garments was the step that
Who taught you to sew?
There was a next door neighbour who was a very skilled dressmaker. My
parents both had day jobs so sometimes they used to ask her to take care of me when
I was back from school. Since very young age I was used to the smell of new fabrics
and the noise of the sewing machine. I was fascinated by her work and stood by her
side observing everything she was doing. I have a very strong memory: she telling
me then the only kind of well made buttonholes where the tailored hand sewn buttonholes;
she wouldn’t make machine buttonholes ever. I also remember when I asked
her to teach me how to use the sewing machine; she had me machine stitching (I could barely
reach the large pedal underneath her mechanical sewing machine) with no thread over
a piece of plaid fabric so I could manage to sew on a straight line with no effort.
She also used to thread trace everything, like I do. From there on I was self taught
by my experience. I started with BWOF’s patterns and learned the basics from
them. Sewing is a never ending learning experience and I’m still learning!
Every day!
What are your favorite fabrics to work with?
I like woollens the most. I also love sewing with linen and cotton.
I like fabrics that behave well when ironed.
Do you have any notions that you use each time you sew?
The one notion that is common to all my sewing is the basting thread. It’s a special purpose cotton thread, loose twisted and made of short cotton fibres that breaks easily; it’s thicker than normal sewing thread but softer. I think you don’t have it in the US but it’s very common in Portugal. Its only purpose is hand basting.
Do you have a certain time of day that you sew?
Well, I consider myself a morning person but I would sew in any time of the day if I could. I prefer sewing in the morning because it’s quiet. I also prefer the natural light. During the week I sew after returning from work, in the evening. I usually sew 1-2 hours a day during the week, and I sew as much as I can during the weekend.
Where do you buy your fabrics?
I buy most of my fabrics locally and in Porto (a bigger town 60 minutes away by car). Online fabric purchasing is not available here yet. I wish the custom taxes weren’t as high as they are because I often feel temped by the fabulous fabrics you can order online in the U.S.!
What are your most favorite garments that you have made?
The Orwell coat is my favorite and I have a special feeling for this coat because it was the opening garment at my blog! It was very labour intensive and I shared all the construction process. It was my introduction to the online sewing community! Another favorite is the red organza blouse which I dedicate to Els (from The Sewing Divas Blog) because she helped me so much feeding me with sewing tips and references; I also connect this blouse to my Graduation day (I made it for wearing at the Graduation ceremony) which was very important day in my life. The third garment is the Roland Mouret’s Galaxy dress, my first Vogue! It’s my favorite dress so far!
You recently made your very first Vogue dress. How did working with
Vogue compare to BWOF?
The tracing and cutting process is very different; with BWOF’s I have to trace the pattern (copy it from the pattern sheet) and there are no SAs(seam allowance) included. I use my shears and I don’t mind cutting uneven SAs (they will be trimmed later). I also thread trace all the stitching lines, notches and relevant markings.
I also copied the pattern from Vogue because I couldn’t bear the idea of cutting the original pattern but I kept the SAs. Instead of thread tracing everything I only thread traced the darts and the notches. Instead of shears I used a cutting wheel and the cutting process was much quicker.
Another thing I found very useful when working with the Vogue
pattern was that the finished garment’s main measurements (bust, waist,
hip) were marked on the pattern; Vogue also illustrates every sewing step,
making the construction process easier to the beginner. This doesn’t keep
the more advanced sewer from looking beyond the instructions and finding other
methods that work best for her/him.
What are some couture techniques that you find yourself using often?
No hesitation here: thread tracing. I had no idea this was
considered a Couture technique until I read “Couture, the Art of Fine
Sewing” by Roberta Carr. That was one of the first sewing books I ordered
from Amazon and one of my favorites, together with the Claire Shaeffer’s
What books are a constant refrence for you when you sew?
I have a LOT of sewing books! The
one I refer the most is the Burda sewing book (Portuguese edition) because you
can find every BWOF’s technique well illustrated in that book. The
patterns I sew the most are from the BWOF magazine so I find myself consulting
this book very often when I try to break down the instructions on BWOF’s
patterns. When I’m working on a particular technique I pull out every
sewing book that features that technique and compare the processes. That gives
me several perspectives and helps achieving a better judgment on what works
best for me. I often use the Singer Sewing Reference books, the Claire Shaeffer’s
books, the Susan Susan Khalje’s books and the Taunton Press Easy Guides. I
also have a couple of Sandra Betzina’s books: Power Sewing and More
Fabric Savvy. These are just a few among many. My last acquisition was the Zapp
Method of Couture Sewing.
Any tips for beginning sewers?
Well, start with the easy stuff and build up from there; if you can find a good teacher go for it; it’s much easier when you learn from actually observing an expert than trying to figure out all by yourself. If you don’t have access to sewing lessons from an expert, then you can buy a few books that will help you through the basics. Practice, practice, practice! Be patient when building up your skills; you won’t be sewing professionally looking garments in a week time so enjoy your learning process and learn from your mistakes. With time your sewing will get better and better. Observe the details on good RTW and learn as much as you can from it. Test everything before you apply it.
That is it you guys!! This was a long post! I'm tired! LOL
Have a great day!
I'm going to do something new. From time to time (as I see fit, lol) I will do a video blog entry! Sound cool? Ok good! LOL. Anything I mention in the entry will be linked below. Let me know what you guys think! It is a little dark but that will be fixed next time.... lol Oh yeah, and I didn't have the bobbin in the machine right when I let you"hear" it lol. I have since fixed it and will let you hear how very quiet it is next time! LOL Yeah, I know I'm goofy! LOL But it's brand new lol. I am going to wear out the pages in my manual lol
Singer Quantum 9940 My new baby!! YAY! LOL. I can't tell you guys how pleased I am with my choice. I can't wait to learn more about it so I can post an in depth review.
Thanks to Dami for answering a lot of questions for me concerning this machine!
Princess Seams and the Small Bust
No post is complete without a few pictures!!! lol
RIght after Mr.UPS Man made me VERY happy......
Right out of the box lol.....
Asia is getting sleeppppyyyyy lol
And she's sleep lol...she enjoys keeping me company! LOL
That's it you guys!!! See ya later! Hope you all are having a great day!!!!
Loving my life, keeping it lined up with the WORD!
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