Hey guys!!!
Let's talk lol
Y'all know I love to talk. I talk to you, you talk to me lol
Can you believe that some kids have already started school!?!
Man, WHERE did the time go?
My children start back on Monday and we have already started our back to school routine.
They are back to scheduled bedtimes (not the 17 year old lol), they are back to getting up with the alarm clock, we have our bodies back on schedule. Well THEY have their bodies back on schedule. I think I wake up around the same time everyday no matter WHAT I have going on. I hardly know what it is to sleep past 5am lol
My oldest will be a Senior this year, my middle daughter will be in the 8th grade and my son will be in the 5th grade.
I'm going to share some of the things that we do to keep the house running smoothly.
Ive been asked to provide my service to some of the local working moms here where I sit down with them and get them on a schedule. I've done it for a gang of my blog/internet peeps as well. If that is something you are interested in send me an email and we can discuss the fee.Now on to some free tips lol
- GET ON A SCHEDULE- People always say to me that the only reason I can keep a schedule is because I don't work outside the home. That's hogwash. A LOT of y'all have been reading since I started this blog and I was working 8-5 with three kids who had various activites and a husband who rotated shifts so I truly had to do it all. It was during this time that I learned HOW to manage my time.
- DELEGATE- There is NO way you can do it all. Even if you have small kids. I started my kids with chores when they were atleast 2 years old. When they can listen and follow instructions, start. It trains them and when they are older you don't have to TELL them to do it. Well I dont' have to tell mine. They know what is exected of them. Even at a young age we would sing the Barney "clean up song" and put things back in the correct place. It CAN be done.
- Prepare the day before - NOTHING is worse than waking up and running behind and there is no lunch fixed, clothes aren't ironed and there's no time for breakfast. I've done that so many times it's crazy. Preparing the day before only takes a few minutes but it's so worth it.
- Go to bed on time - Now this is something that I have a problem with. I'm a late owl AND I'm an early bird which kinda makes me crazy lol. I do my BEST work very late at night or very early in the morning. The bed time that works for me may not work for you. Figure out what works best for you and stick to it.
- Get up a few minutes early - Not hitting the snooze button can make a WORLD of difference. Even though I work from home I have to GET UP. If I dont' get up on time, then I'm rushing making breakfast, rushing getting the kids out of the house and just RUSHING. I don't like to be rushed at all. It throws off my entire day.
That's all I have. Hope it helps!
Here's to a GREAT school year!!
One of the things I love about summer vacation ending is our back to school routine. My number one problem EVER is delegating, but I'm getting better.
Posted by: Flora | August 15, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Your guidelines make sense and worked for me when my (adult now) children were in school and I worked outside of the home. Now that I'm semi-retired, I've lost my sense of schedule. I find I'm more productive when I follow a schedule. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: Robin Michael Rush | August 15, 2013 at 10:54 AM
I have the hardest time delegating too. It always feels like it will go much faster if I just do it myself. We are getting better but I have to remind them of what they are suppose to do so much because it has not been a habit for them.
Posted by: Shawnta | August 15, 2013 at 12:33 PM
Great tips! I am trying to get our household on a schedule...unfortunately I've waited until my daughter is 8. It has made a world of difference as I'm a night owl myself. I feel so much better getting up at 5:30am and not having to rush to get out of the door. It's better on my daughter as well to have a set bed time. I also need to work on having her help out more around the house. Thanks for sharing these great suggestions!
Posted by: Myrtle Washington | August 15, 2013 at 01:32 PM
I think it's hard for most of us. It was hard for me at first but now I have it down to a science lol
Posted by: Adrienne | August 16, 2013 at 04:40 AM
You are so welcome. I can't live without a schedule and a list lol.
Posted by: Adrienne | August 16, 2013 at 04:40 AM
You are so welcome!! It helps a ton and teaches responsibility.
Posted by: Adrienne | August 16, 2013 at 04:41 AM
The mornings are much more peaceful when we do our prep work at night. When we don't - look out (yelling, tears, forgotten things etc.)
Posted by: Edris | August 16, 2013 at 08:26 PM
It will become habit soon!
Posted by: Adrienne | August 20, 2013 at 09:17 PM
That is the TRUTH lol
Posted by: Adrienne | August 20, 2013 at 09:17 PM
Absolutely EXCELLENT advice!! (And I've loved EVERYTHING you've sewn lately!)
Posted by: Helen | August 23, 2013 at 10:08 AM