- I'm finally doing a blog post and it's taking FOREVER for my pics to load. What is up with that?
- Aj has a fever.
- I don't feel well.
- School is in. Germs will NOT come in here.
- God is so good to me.
- SPeaking of "SO" I need to "SEW" lol. Get it? LOL Corny I know lol
- Toya has changed my life lol.
- My hair is in a bun....UNTIL. I need some cute hair accessories. Anyone see any around internet land?
- Aj's class has 10 students. LOVE private school. Praying this is a better year for him. It's his 2nd year in private school.
- I STILL love my G2. That is SO odd for me. I've had this phone ALMOST ONE YEAR! OMG lol.
- I should have my new camera soon.
- I need to be asleep.
- I want a hamburger. Jaelyn made some earlier that were really good. It's just uhhh too late to be cooking one lol. Not to mention eating it lol.
- I drink a LOT of water every day.
- I recognized this girls dress as a Vogue pattern.
- Too bad it LOOKED like she made it. NOT a good thing.
- I REALLY want to get back into my scrapbooking. Guess I need to stop talking about it and BE about it.
- Mannnnn I avoided pinterest for THE longest. I'm HOOKED now. Ask Monique lol
- I also forgot how much fun it was to Skype lol.
- I'm thankful God has placed this certain person in my life. She is a true blessing. I'm so cautious of people I let in and people I get close too. I've been on both sides of being done wrong and doing someone wrong so now I make sure I"m going to be a blessing. Just thankful for her :)
- Typepad is taking FOREVER to load these pics. I KNOW I changed the image size.
- Jaelyn is already planning her sweet 16. We are actually starting kinda late, but I think it's going to be a fun time.
- Can't BELIEVE she will be 16 soon.
- Tony and I STILL haven't decided on an anniversary trip yet. *Sigh* We need to get the ball moving. Wanna do something extra special this year for our 15th anniversary.
- Mannnnn I LOVE older people! LOL Sat next to an 87 year old lady and when I tell you she was HILARIOUS!?!?!? I'm shocked I didn't choke on my food laughing at her lol
- When this picture loads I'm going to bed. I'll try again tomorrow.
- Typepad STILL isn't loading these pics. They take FOREVER. NOT GOOD. Y'all know I LOVE pic heavy posts. I *pay* for my pictures to upload in a timely manner. Shoot. Gone make me switch to wordpress.
Alright, y'all ramble....
Have a great day!
i love them too! Their filter is definitely different and they just say what they think! Older folks you gotta love them.
God is so good isn't he? Gracious merciful loving and kind.
Posted by: Marie | August 24, 2011 at 06:54 AM
God is good!!!
Posted by: Jada | August 24, 2011 at 07:45 AM
Tee hee, you are my favorite!
Posted by: toy | August 24, 2011 at 08:05 AM
What camera are you getting... shopping one too!
Posted by: Christy | August 24, 2011 at 09:00 AM
I have been so frustrated with my internet connection this past month. Turns out that they now have a "daily allowance". Once you hit that amount - they slow your connection down to almost dial-up speed. Can't upload pictures, forget YouTube or Google Reader with all the pictures. And guess what? It doesn't take long to hit the limit if you're downloading videos, music or apps. Very frustrating.
BTW, can't wait to be an official old person - so I can say what I want to, when I want to. ;)
Posted by: Amy | August 24, 2011 at 09:36 AM
I didn't know AJ was in private...my little one is about to start private because the public in our area aren't 100%...what made you go private for little man?
Older people are a riot...and talking about wisdom comes with age!!!
Posted by: Melanie | August 24, 2011 at 09:44 AM
YEAH for the return of hump day ramblings!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog about the dress--it is great to wear!
Posted by: Kyle | August 24, 2011 at 05:37 PM
I LOVE older folk. They have NO filter and tell nothing but the truth. My granma used to have me about to choke from laughing so hard.
Today was the kids 1st day of school. I cried when I dropped them off. smh.
Its crazy how people you thought would be in your life forever are the ones that aren't and folks you never thought you'd encounter become your greatest support.
It's FOOTBALL season.
I'm blessed.
I'm happy.
I heart my bf who I absolutely positively adore(and he adores me too) lol
Posted by: mzinspiredmind | August 24, 2011 at 06:26 PM
Glad to see you back on the scene! I have been missing you around here! Can't believe Jaelyn is going to be 16?!?! Where has the time gone? :L:O:L
Posted by: M'Shonta | August 24, 2011 at 10:08 PM
I love Pinterest too! What is your name on there so that I can follow you?
Posted by: Stephanie | August 25, 2011 at 01:07 AM
I definitely feel you on letting people in. Be careful. I recently made that mistake and have been really hurt by it. Take care.
Posted by: Lynn | August 25, 2011 at 05:40 AM
Missed you!
I love, love, love pinterest!!!! It takes the place of my 'Favorites' (which was getting so long and too hard to locate stuff just by name) Pinterest is so much better b/c you see the pictures. I pin all day long from my iphone!
Finally saw a movie you mentioned, Hall Pass. OMG I laughed so hard!!! One of those 5 minute laughs where no sound is coming out! Wanna see it again!
2 new movies I saw and loved: Return of Planet of the Apes (had no idea what this movie was about but I LOVED IT!!!!) and The Help was great too.
I love older people too. I love to talk to anyone about crafts. Once talked to a lady in WalMart in the crafting area for over an hour and helped a man dressed as a clown search for fabric to make a wig!
I've been wanting to change from Google. Trying to find out what loads pictures faster...
Posted by: Katrina | August 25, 2011 at 07:56 PM
"I recognized this girls dress as a Vogue pattern."
"Too bad it LOOKED like she made it. NOT a good thing." Adrienne, you are toooooooo hillarious,I needed that laugh!
Posted by: Candice | August 26, 2011 at 02:10 AM