- My sewing inspiration is on fire. Now if I could only sew as fast as I am inspired lol. Seriously, man, I have SO much I WANT to sew and not enough time to sew it all lol. ONe thing at a time and I STILL need to finish Tony's wearable muslin lol. His real fabric has already shown up lol.
- I'm about to mark all my blogs read....again lol
- This time change has me TRIPPING. I am excited about the extra light! WOOHOO! Kids stay out playing longer lol.
- I have a headache. I think I've been on the computer long enough.
- Did y'all know I wear glasses? Well I'm SUPPOSED to wear them lol. Only when reading and on the computer...which is pretty much...ALL THE TIME. I gotta do better.
- It's spring break. Let me keep the kids busy and having fun!!!
- I am two days behind on my email. I do good, then I mess up lol.
- Mock wrap anything doesn't look good on me lol. I don't know why I try. My last dress was a FAIL. It's funny how everybody else can like how something looks on you but you don't lol. I didn't like it lol.
- I really wish you the best. Makes my heart happy to know things are going well.
- I need to go grocery shopping like yesterday lol.
- I have some kinda "oil" looking spot UNDER the face of my phone. NO clue how it got there, because my phone has never gotten wet or "oily". Tmobile is sending me a new one.
- Is it Friday yet? Oh no, it's Monday night O_o.
- I still only have 30 songs on my Ipod lol. Maybe I need to carve out some time to just load my cd's ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR pay the kids to do it lol. WHAT? I'm NOT above paying lol.
- Zanete still hasn't had "MY" baby lol.
- I just made my schedule for tomorrow. I HAVE to stick to it. HAVE TO.
- Today was a HARD day to be a parent.
- My nails are a pretty gray...or is it grey? LOL
- I only have two kids woohoo lol. The missing one will be back tomorrow.
- I think I'm going to stop rambling and go sit behind my sewing machine and see what happens! LOL
OMG your hump day ramblings are so funny! I hear ya about bring so inspired & not enough time to so them all!!! Honey, I need 1 full week of non stop, uninterrupted sewing to accomplish it & life ain't having that! And I really know about something not looking good on yourself I just had that happen last weekend! I posted about it! Can't wait to see some of your new creations for Spring!!
Posted by: Myra | March 16, 2011 at 04:13 AM
Have you tried peapod where they deliver the groceries to you, I've never tried but I've always wanted to.
I have no idea why when you mentioned Tony's Muslin I thought of when Bear Grylls made a seal skin wet suit of a dead seal.....I'd never seen anything like it in my life!!!
Posted by: Melanie | March 16, 2011 at 08:35 AM
I need to go grocery shopping STAT too. I may make that my adventure for tonight.
I wear glasses but you'd never know b/c you never see me in them, until my headaches get so bad and I put them on #fail.
My weekend is even going to be busy. #blah
I'm off from next Thursday at 5pm until that Tuesday at 9am #glory
I am in LOVE w/ my Evo shift #teamdroid
I use # way too much. LOL
Posted by: mzinspiredmind | March 16, 2011 at 09:38 AM
I needed groceries last Saturday - today is Wednesday - not exactly sure what we've been eating all week LOL
Love your ramblings - and that Friday pic is so cute !
Posted by: Claire S. | March 16, 2011 at 03:02 PM
I'm with you wanting it to be Friday
I have to clean my apartment
I need a nap
The sun is shining now after a morning of rain
I enjoyed a couple of pieces of Toblerone Swiss dark chocolate with honey and almond nougat
I still need a nap
Posted by: Sheri D. Maple | March 16, 2011 at 03:15 PM
I wear glasses but you'd never know b/c you never see me in them, because the ones I had someone stole and Im too lazy to go buy another pair.
I feel like letting out a good cry but have been too busy to do so.
I have bible study tonight and even though my body doesnt feel like going my mind and soul is telling me I have to go.
This past Sunday I was shown that I needed to let go of a group of people and even though I know why I feel more betrayed and hurt more than anything.
I overcame a situation in October and have been on top yet something something minor as the current storm and I ready to give up. I have a problem overcoming.
I have a problem of being a people pleaser and dont know how to stop without being rude or mean.
I need some organization in my life and dont know where to start.
My current job I am grateful for but the task are becoming more drainful and stressful.
I need to find a prayer for dummies book to get back to the basis, I was never truly taught how to pray.
I need to decide what I am going to do with my hair I wanted braided but I dont.
I need to sit down and rewrite my letter for my academic suspension appeal.
I have a lot of random thoughts and this isnt that half of it.
Posted by: JustMoe | March 16, 2011 at 03:58 PM
That pic is SO how I'm feeling! You betta get those glasses missy, you play too much. Now on to my rambling...
I only have my sons here with me now. My daughter is with my mom. Thank God! lol
I went grocery shopping last night and saw Publix has brought back their red velvet ice cream!!! Lawd, I swear the heavens opened up and the angels sang when I saw that. AND it was on SALE!!!
My sinuses are NOT pleased with the springtime. Not at all.
I need to do laundry. But I don't have the energy to do it tonight.
My youngest kept me up ALL night with his earache. Sooo, I"m about to fall across my bed...with a good book...and some red velvet ice cream. There go those angels singing again :).
Posted by: Nikki | March 16, 2011 at 05:11 PM
I hate grocery shopping. I'm a fast food whore. Wait, actually I'm a food whore. For the Lenten season I gave up fast food restaurants. That's not to say I'm not eating it. If I want a burger or a sub, I have to fix it @ home.
It's good to hear your kids get outside and are not video game junkies. More parents should do this.
The zebra and giraffe are hilarious. If only we could get along in the human kingdom as well as the animals get along.(Yes, I know the photo is a joke). No self respecting giraffe would allow a big butt zebra to sit on his neck.
Posted by: syl | March 20, 2011 at 07:43 PM
"I have SO much I WANT to sew and not enough time to sew it all" - I'm 100% with you on that, lol. Right now I have a bunch of mags in front of me and a pile of fabric and I'm trying to make up my mind about what to do, lol... I have so little time and I want to make the most out of it
Posted by: Tany | April 02, 2011 at 05:32 AM
You have given us some interesting points on nfl caps. This is a wonderful article and surely worth reading.
Posted by: thomas sabo onlineshop | May 07, 2011 at 04:17 AM